
  • Manuscripts is recommended to be approximately 5,000 to 8,000 words. Longer manuscripts will be considered only in exceptional circumstances.
  • Manuscripts should be original works.
  • Articles will be reviewed by the editors and will be forwarded for peer review upon their assessment.
  • Sindh- Antiquities- accepts manuscripts in English only. Abstract and Keywords
  • *Every article should contain an Abstract, Reference & Bibliography.

Abstract: An abstract is required (150-200 words).

Keywords: between 4 to 5 keywords in English are required. Keywords in other languages can be added.


Authors are responsible for obtaining copyright clearance for the publication of any copyrighted material (photographs, drawings, etc.) that may be included in their contribution.

Illustrations must be submitted both within the Microsoft Word document (with title and/or caption and copyright holder information) and sent separately.

Minimum image size: 800 pixels width.

Bibliographic citations

All bibliographic citations in the essay must be in the footnotes. In the body of the essay itself there is only the note number; the reference should be in APA style.